Do you like Yahoo Answers?

How do you think about Yahoo Answers? Is this good for you? If so, good for what? I think this website is only taking interest of its members, but not allowing its members use their service to show their brand, link or other items. This strick rule make this Q&A website bad and low quality questions and answers here. If you are a marketer who look for free way to show up your brand, you should not use Yahoo Answers. They will kick you, unless you spend money to them. Quora is much better than this website.


Favorite Answer

No, not really.
I mean, sure it could be alright from now and then but it seems to have changed a lot. I mean barely anyone answers questions anymore. And the people who do either don't know what there talking about or are very rude to the point that I just don't check the question anymore.

I only come here because I get bored. I usually go on here during school, or on my phone.

And for the people asking the questions?
All they talk about is political bull crap, and most other questions are (I swear) thought up by 10 year old kids.
The good questions are only the ones I know I can answer (Like this one).

Yahoo answers has to many trolls, and hatters.
I could go on other websites, sure. But what's the point, right?

Hope I helped.

Rahel Naomi2016-07-13T14:13:50Z

Yes, I'd like YA.


Mr Bean 😊

Yes i do.


I fill in my down time with it. yes, i like it