Why is a dilute solution of Boric acid used as an eyewash?

This is a post-lab question I need to do for chemistry, and I'm not quite sure how to answer it.


I've heard that when infants are born thier eyes are sometimes washed with boric acid possibly a dilute solution to clean out the film that's left in infants eyes after they are born.

Mr. Smartypants2016-03-22T13:16:01Z

I googled 'boric acid eyewash' and the following popped right up:

"Boric acid has mild antibiotic properties against fungal or bacterial infection. Boric acid ophthalmic (for the eyes) is used as an eye wash to cleanse or irrigate the eyes. Boric acid provides soothing relief from eye irritation, and helps remove pollutants from the eye such as smog, chlorine, or other chemicals."