Help cleaning Toaster oven?

Let me explain this the best I can; I ve been cleaning the toaster oven with dish soap, and a new sponge. Although everytime I clean it, it seems to be building up some kind of moldy/mildew smell. Its even making the inside (where I m cleaning it), look more faded, and ashy-ish, if that makes sense.

The smell really takes in effect once I start to cook something, anything. I don t see smoke coming out of it, so I don t think anything is really burning. What am I doing wrong, what should I be doing? Any help would be assistance. I ve only had it for 2 months, so its not old.


Cleaning Toaster Oven


Cleaning Toaster Oven


If your getting any of the soap on heating element and or not rinsing tne soap,residue out of the cooking chamber you will get a smell.
If you have the instructions for the toaster oven it should have instructions on how to clean your toaster oven.
You make get be over cleaning it building up soapy residue. A toaster oven shouldn't need much cleaning unless you spill something in it.
You might also have a cheap,toaster oven. If it is made in China. Toss it.