Do photons, neutrinos, and electrons all travel at equal speed [in a vacuum] ?


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No. As photons do not have mass, they can only travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. This is also true of other massless particles, such as a gluon.

Electrons and neutrinos are leptons, and therefore have mass and therefore cannot reach the speed of light under any circumstances (but thy can get very close).



The only 2 known types of particle with zero rest mass are photons and gluons. Gravitons (if they exist) are also predicted to have zero rest mass,

These particles travel at the speed of light.

All other particles (including electrons and neutrinos) have some rest mass. So they must always travel slower than the speed of light.


Photons and neutrinos travel with the velocity of light. Electrons travel with velocity that depends on their kinetic energy.


Photons travel at the speed of light. Other particles do not.


Photons and gluons only

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