If you take a bucket of water from one side of the lake and pour it out into the other side of the lake is the lake any deeper?

Democrats seem to think so. How does taking money from "the rich" and buying votes grow the economy. Of course it does not.


If you take a bucket of water from one side of the lake and pour it out into the other side of the lake is the lake any deeper?
LOL, seriously , you thought this a good analogy , blaming Democrats, etc... sadly, no one has to tell me what is wrong with nor in Life and Living - IT'S A LOT of BAD , GREEDY and STUPID , HUMANS !


You MAY want to take a "Remedial Economics Class", Norbert....

Money is a TOOL of financial transaction, NOT a "commodity" of which there is a fixed & finite amount.....if lake water was a commodity, and you took a bucketful from one side of the lake and put it on the other side, the lake WOULD INDEED get that much deeper!


That isn't a good analogy. Economics is a complicated subject, and rising tides do not necessarily lift all boats like you are implying. I am not in favor of government wealth redistribution, but it is a fact economies are driven by the consumer, reacted upon by the producer. Companies will only expand and create jobs if there is sufficient demand for their product.


The point is not to "grow the economy".

Generally speaking, progressive movements are trying to go beyond the worship of the economic beast.

If the economy grows and that only serves a tiny minority, then so what? Why should the masses of the people care about "the economy"?

Personally, I'm willing to let the stock market crash, let them fail, let the dollar crumble and go back to the drawing board, since I do not accept "efficiency" as an acceptable reason to keep a system of injustice alive. (It wasn't an acceptable reason to maintain slavery, and it's not an acceptable reason to maintain financial stewardship of the Earth).


Rich Americans need to pay the same percentage of their incomes in all taxes and fees that working Americans do, and not a penny less. Currently, they only shoulder a fraction of the burden that workers shoulder.

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