If a Jehovah's Witness was trapped in a burning building, and he cried out for help?

But he didn't call you by your proper name, would you just ignore him?


Favorite Answer

I'd help anyone. As long as they are none of these things:
1) A mass murderer
2) A serial killer
3) A murderer
4) Someone who tortures/oppresses others


If a Jehovah's Witness was trapped in a burning building and calling out for help, I doubt I would even hear them call any name. I would be running into the building. But that's just me. I'm not God and don't decide when He intervenes or what He would do in the case of someone calling on another name. Although the Bible does say to call on the name of Jesus and I don't see them doing that because they're too stuck on the other name.


Of course not. Emergency situations are not the appropriate time to worry about etiquette. I'm sure there must be more to your question than I understand. For example, why is the victim a Jehovah's Witness instead of a generic Christian?


No I would help him:
firstly I am an atheist so his religion (man made as it is by Charles Taze Russell) is irrelevant to me.
secondly why would I expect a person in a burning building who needs my help to even know my name? A simple scream for "help" would be enough.
Finally, I would not know he was a Jehovah's Witness so if I was a passing religious biggot (which as an atheist I am not), I would not shout out first, "hell yes I coming and will help - but what religion are you first"?


First, I wouldn't know he was a Jehovah's Witness more than likely so that wouldn't matter...
Second, He would have no way of knowing my name and even if he did, it would be pretty obvious that he was calling for help to anyone who was there... So I would just go help.

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