Once our lord and savior Donald Trump becomes president do you think he and Russia's glorious leader Vladimir Putin should conquer Europe?
And divide it between the two nations? Because besides Putin and Lukashenko it seems the other European leaders are all libtards who are committing suicide by allowing mass immigration from third world/muslim countries. Trump and Putin can fix that problem.
Vladimir Putin saved Christianity from the Muslims in Syria. We Americans prayed that Almighty God would send us a leader like Putin. And God sent us Donald J. Trump to be our 45th President. Support our national savior Donald Trump. Stand with Jesus and vote for Donald Trump. We can make America great again.
I think they should get together and live in a castle and have a baby. Name him Pumpin. Then they ride through the fields on their brilliant white stallion while Putin holds THE DONALD aloft by his girlish hips and THE DONALD holds their baby boy, Pumpin, up and in the background "the circle of life" will play. My god....it will be glorious.