My girlfriend says she wants to be single, but says she still loves me and she is confused and id really appreciate help?

My girlfriend and i have been dating for about 8 months (i know it not a lot) and we have had a really great relationship. I really dont want to lose her and she says she still loves me and she kept saying she misses me. If she misses me i dont know why we cant get back together. She told me she feels bad because she talks to other guys and know i dont talk to other girls but i told her that didnt matter. I just really need advice on how to handle this and how i can get her back because im devastated. Thank you all in advance.


She sounds like a real skank.. she's getting better D from another guy and doesn't really care for yours. But she still wants to keep you around for security issues and maybe to use you a little if she needs to.


Just dump her.