If that bathroom law passes, how exactly are they going to enforce it?

Will people have to carry their birth certificate around just in case they need to use the bathroom? Will old ladies with hormone issues be ran out of the bathroom due to their chin stubble?


I'm amused by the law, given that I was introduced to the very first transgender person I ever met (mtf) in a ladies' room. If I hadn't already known that she had been born male, I would never have guessed. No one would have. This was at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, a place where no one was going to care, but this particular person could walk into any ladies' room anywhere, even in a place where the law to which you refer existed, and not a soul would blink an eye.

So, your question is a good one.


Well, probably when a transwoman with a penis flashes a group of women/children in a lockerroom he will be asked to leave and change in the mens room.

Angela D2016-04-15T09:00:17Z

they can't. such laws are unenforceable. they serve to create fear and harass people, but do not actually solve a societal problem, because the problem they purport to address doesn't actually exist.

the religious wrong in the u.s.a. always needed somebody to vilify. they got a lot of mileage out of gay people, but have largely lost that battle. so now it's trans people in their crosshairs.

my birth certificate has an f on it, btw.


What bathroom law? The one that says men (like clones) don't belong in the women's room?


You see, you have the intelligence to anticipate problems like that. The people who wrote the laws and rammed them through, on the on the other hand...

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