Why do Marxists keep trying to redefine terms?

Left Wing is "Democratic"
Right Wing is "Fascist"
Progressivism is "Liberal"


All those terms have been manipulated by the 0bama Regime with the GOP establishment playing along. Their end game seems to be to keep the status quo right where it is.


Evryone in the world knows fascism is right wing. Sorry you can't accept that. Be proud of your stance.


Democracy is certainly part of the left wing tradition while fascism has its roots in right wingism. Don't like facts?

Moscow Mitch2016-04-15T08:54:29Z

Fascists were right wingers, and anybody in America or Germany would have died laughing if you said they weren't at that time.

Liberals sequester from fact2016-04-15T08:30:06Z

Commies need to change the way they say things to make being a pinko more attractive.

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