I can't find myself on background check websites such as everify, why is that?

I've been able to find my brother (who's been to jail) my mom (who hasn't) my step dad who also hasn't and my step brother who hasn't. But when I search my name, I can't find myself. I've never been to jail myself but I just want to see if I have a warrant




Free ones don't work very well. Try beenverified.com

But if you don't have a criminal record and don't have any history with things like personal or real property you likely won't find anything.


Why would you have a warrant if you have never had any contact with the police, been arrested or failed to appear in court for even a traffic ticket?

You only get warrants if a judge issued it because you failed to appear in court, you have broken the law and a judge issued a warrant for your arrest.There are no other reasons.

If you have never broken the law, never failed to appear in court, then you do not have a warrant


Your name has not been recorded on the website.