How do I come out to my parents that I found a puppy?


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Just tell them that you found a puppy and you cant leave it alone, also try and find the owner if it does belong to someone else. You can't keep a puppy that is not yours. Try looking around with your parents to find the owner, the owner might be looking for it around the streets. If it is a stray, just say to your parents that you found it all on its own, and then your parents will take it to the local shelter. Also maybe put some lost dog found posters up to try find the owner- imagine how worried the owner must be if they lost their puppy.
Good luck.


Nobody is legally entitled to find and keep a stray. That's theft. Strays should be taken to the local Shelter so anybody looking for him, can be reunited with him. If you/your family would like to offer him a permanent home should nobody claim him, then you tell the Shelter people so yu can be considered.


Just say you found it


you tell them - it's not like you are coming out to them as being gay or want a sex change operation


Tell them you are gay, then tell them as an afterthought you found a puppy.

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