I met this guy the other night?

I knew him 2 years ago but at the time we both met someone else. We spent 4 hours together, he kept prolonging the date. We completely clicked, he mentioned twice about going out in the future, how he liked that I held a convo, and by the end we were practically eating from each other's spoons. When I went to go leave (I was tired and I can tell he was too) I said you look tired I'm gonna go and he said 'but I'm up' I insisted on leaving. Before I left he looked me dead in the eye and kissed me, twice! The thing is, I haven't heard from him. I don't wanna seem all clingy by texting him. What do you think? Does he like me? Will I hear from him? Only good Advice please!


Hmm.. I will just tell you what happened to me because I have a very similar story to this!

I once went on a date with a guy I had been texting for a while, he took me to a gorgeous restaurant for drinks and we clicked, we kissed a lot too and I really did like him. I never heard a thing back from him. So I text him asking if things were okay and he never text me back. So, I was feeling very upset one night about it because I never seen the point in asking me to go for a date and nothing to happen between us, especially since we had a perfect night. I messaged him on facebook for an explanation of why he was being so ignorant and what I did wrong. He told me a load of crap and said that he couldn't be anything more with me. It was very upsetting and was very confusing.

I do hope this guy does get in touch with you because the experience I went through of not knowing where I stood was horrible. Good luck with everything.

I am also in a relationship with someone else now so I have got over him!

Anyway, sorry for my life story, I'm just trying to help you


Give him time to think on it, and not be busy with other things (work, school, whatever). If he is worth going out with again, he will ask you. According to what he said, he enjoyed the date. But, time & his actions will prove whether he was fishing for sex, or more than that. If you had a nice time, and want him to know that, it would be ok to send a brief text "hi, I had a nice time on our date, thank you. Want to have lunch sometime"? This gives him the green light that you are interested in spending more time with him...but lunch is more casual, and slow things down a bit. Your insisting you go (bc you were both tired) may have been misread as you're not interested. He may be confused or discouraged. A BRIEF msg (thanking him for a nice date) is not clingy. It's polite, and opens the door for his contact to you (in case he is confused or discouraged from the date). Up to you how you play it- leave it alone & up to him, or encourage him to seek you out. Guys aren't mind readers.


The only thing I can think of is that he really wanted to have sex but you decided to leave and it made him mad. It sounds like he was interested in you, yes, but the fact that he hasn't contacted you isn't necessarily a good thing. But, I don't know how long it has been since you two spoke. Just don't text or contact him. If he wants you, he needs to chase you.


You did not explain time frame and schedule though---24 hours is not too late a week is.