I need specific help with fleas?

A week ago my wife noticed she had a flea bite upon getting out of bed in the morning.
We live in the south and have three dogs, all are on permethrin.
We decided to go with diotamaceius earth due to the low or no side effects and dusted everything except the hardwood floor.
In bed the fleas were persistent so we dusted every sheet, blanket, and even directly on the mattress (we don t use a box spring) and let sit for several hours while at work.
We left the DE on the rug and washed the sheets and comforter, leaving the DE on the mattress covered by the special protectant fitted sheet we bought with the mattress when it was new.

My wife woke up with even more bites than ever, 6 to be exact, and now we re even more frustrated.

Should we keep applying the DE, move on and up to chemical sprays, or something else?
Your help is very much appreciated.


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Managing fleas is a persistent and constant thing. The yard, house and animals must all be treated in a cycle that keeps them at a minimum. They do have a 21 day cycle of eggs hatching. Treating all areas while keeping your life in tact is an art form. Washing dogs an putting them in the car while the yard is sprayed and the bombs are set off in the closed up house. Vacating for a road trip while the yard drys and the bombs do their job. Treating the dogs with flea and tick drops from the vet before returning home. Repeat in 21 days, then again in 21 days......
This assumes you have fleas not bed bugs, if it is bed bugs hire a pro and follow directions.


Sounds more like Bed Bugs than fleas. Switch to Bed Bug sprays.

DE is not for use in situations where it can be inhaled. The little sharp pieces of marine shell can cause lung problems.

dorothy s2016-04-21T01:21:45Z

In the UK the council will fumigate a house to get rid of fleas. Perhaps they have something similar in your neck of the woods.