I met this guy a couple of nights ago?

I knew him back 2 years ago but we both wound up getting in a relationship so we lost touch. He added me on fb and Instagram, he asked me and we spent 4 hours together. He spent well over $100 that night, he said he liked the fact that I can hold a convo, mentioned going out again, and practically eating off of each other's forks. I mentioned I wanted to see a show on Netflix and he said we'll watch it. We went back to his house (nothing happened). I was tired and I kept hearing him yawn so I said I'm gonna go and he was like but I'm still up. When I left he look at me in the eyes and gave me a kiss. I haven't heard from him since and I refuse to text him first (sounds stupid it's just something I've never done). All the signs on him being interested in me were there, what happened? Only good advice please, thanks!


You got played it seems.


No spark.