Is there a common cause for blue screens on HP devices?


A blue screeb or bsod? Blsod (blue screen of death) is a error message which acours when a vital error has accoured and your computer is shutting down to prevent damage. You can disable auto shutdown to press anykey to shutdown on windows so you can read the error or Google it. The option location varies depending on the windows version you have. If you don't know much about computers take it to a store, they should be able to detect if it is a hardware error, like thermal paste is dryed and the laptop is overheating or there's a issue with hardware or if windows is corrupted. In windows 8+ the blue screen error message is stored in the computer logs. This makes them easier to read! GOODLUCK


the blue screen will have an error code like 0x00000001A

search for the error code you get and you should be able to find info on what is causing it and how to fix it.