Can you breastfeed if you have to go back on birth control for medical reasons, or is it bad for the baby?


Have you considered getting an IUD? The Copper IUD contains no hormones while the Mirena IUD releases small amounts of hormone that stay in the uterus. Very little of the hormone gets into the blood stream. You should talk to your doctor if this is an option for you.

Taking hormonal birth control may limit or even stop your milk supply. Just thought you should know.


Breastfeeding is not a natural birth control. Sure, it does limit your fertility, but many women have got pregnant while breastfeeding.

As far as I know, and your doctor will know better, you can take a Progestin only pill - the mini pill. Here is a little information, I found:

You have your options though. I do know quite a few are completely safe while breastfeeding.


It won't harm the baby, but some forms of birth control can impact milk production, so some couples choose to use condoms and another form of birth control such as a spermicide like Encare.


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