Why do leftists deny this historically proven axiom to be true?



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It's true: HIgher taxes = lower revenue.

That's all part of the LIB plan to force more working people into poverty, as it'll grow increase expand the DEM plantation ever more. DEMS want a larger base, and they're will to sacrifice America especially her tax-paying middle-class to get it.

"Obama Says Illegal Immigration HURTS ‘Blue-Collar Americans,’ STRAINS Welfare"
by Neil Munro
White House Correspondent www.dailycaller.com

"Worst President Ever… Obama’s Legacy – Destruction of US Middle Class"
by Jim Hoft

"Obamanomics, his imposition of European-style socialism, is not working for African-Americans. It is not working for Latinos and African-Americans."
-Niger Innis

The number of Americans living in poverty rose by the equivalent of the population of Massachusetts during President Barack Obama’s first term. By the time his second ends, “black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category,” television talk show host Tavis Smiley"
by Jack Kelly
read article: "Obama's Policies Have Helped Wall St. Fat Cats"


No. That's actually proven to be false.

The problem with the right wing is they've discovered they don't need the truth on their side. Propaganda and a nihilistic stick-to-itness when it comes to ideology will do.

Laffer's curves have not been known to occur, even at very high rates of taxation.

Conservatism hasn't put a new idea forward since trickle-down. It's always "trickle down" in one form or another. That's because conservatism isn't a political movement today, so much as a naked defense of aristocracy.


Probably because of the historically proven fact that our economy was booming when it was 91% under Eisenhower. You cannot look at just one set of figures. There are many other factors influencing tax revenue. For instance, without cutting any taxes at all, the amount can lower if more people are either unemployed or paid so little they don't pay any. I considered those rates punitive, but no one is asking for anywhere near that rate. I'd be happy if they just paid the amount they are supposed to instead of using loopholes put into the tax code to let them avoid them.


Because it's not true. Revenues went down from 1931 to 1933 because millions of people were losing their jobs, NOT because the tax rates were increased.

Unemployment in 1931 was 15%; in 1933 it was 25%. Unemployed people don't help revenue, lady.


It is true but liberals are in denial of that fact.

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