Instead of fighting over gender in bathrooms, why not change them to separate bathrooms for #1 and #2?

Personally I'm more offended when I go into a bathroom to pee and it smells like a horse barn than if a man was in there.


A lot of places have a separate bathroom for family/special needs.


OMG I so agree! We actually do this at home and we also do it when we're on vacation with my BIL/SIL as well. There are two bathrooms and anyone who needs to poop is expected to use the poop bathroom. We do not pollute the pee bathroom, which is a dang good thing, because the four of us like to drink beer on our vacations. There's lots of peeing going


I think I'll just say I'm a woman everytime a hot girl enters a restroom.

the Christian2016-04-26T13:45:22Z

and why don't theses men just go to there
proper restroom....


What if they have to do both?