Is it ok to double dip if you have your own personal container of whatever you're dipping into?

For example, you're at dinner eating something like egg rolls with sweet and sour sauce. You have your own ramekan of sauce. Is it ok to double dip your egg roll after taking a bite?

Karen L2016-04-28T00:30:00Z

Of course. The alternative is to have a separate dish of sauce for every time you dip something. That would make five to ten dishes for each egg roll.
Apparently you have no idea why double dipping is considered undesirable.


Double dipping ONLY applies to SHARED dips.

Have a polite day.
Etiquette takes over where laws end.


Yes, as long as your quantity of dipping sauce isn't being shared, it's perfectly fine and expected.


Yes... IF you are going to use it all. So, in the case of your ramekin, yes.
It is not sanitary -- for you -- to insert germs into a substance, such as a container of dip, and then store it for future use, even if it is to be used again only by you.


I don't see why not. It's your own dish, your germs or whatever are the only ones going into it. I don't believe it's considered impolite as long as it's your own dish.

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