Did the ghost of Samuel appear to King Saul?

Jeff H2016-05-02T11:22:16Z

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Yes, he was called and appeared according to the Bible by a women of EnDor (later classified incorrectly as a witch). If you read the Bible you will find several incidents of ghosts appearing, none of which are evil nor related to demons. Several religious organizations have claimed that such appearances are demons however there is nothing to suggest this in the Bible. They use other passages to support their claims however they fail to realize that this would be part of God's plans therefore a truthful representation of what was supposed to have happened.


Would faithful Samuel appear to Saul by means of a spirit medium? Consulting the dead was specifically prohibited to the Israelites. They were punished with death for that. - Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Isaiah 8:19; Leviticus 20:27.

Samuel was already unconscious in Sheol. As a dead soul, he couldnt be of any help to Saul. (Eccl 9:5; Psalm 146:3-4) However, by consulting the dead, Saul gave an opportunity for a demon to impersonate Samuel. Can you imagine it? A king, figuratively siting on God´s throne, bowing down before a demon? (1 Samuel 28:14) How stupid that was! What did he deserve?

1 Chronicles 10:13-14
Thus Saul died for the unfaithfulness he had shown against Jehovah because he had not obeyed the word of Jehovah,+ also for consulting a spirit medium+ 14 instead of inquiring of Jehovah. So He put him to death and turned the kingship over to David the son of Jesʹse.


Necromancy was strictly forbidden by the law of Moses (Lev.19:3). Although Saul had instituted a purge against all forms of spiritism, apparently this spiritist medium had escaped discovery.

1Sam 28:11, 12: To "bring up" the dead was common terminology used by the necromancers in the ancient Near East for bringing back the spirit of the deceased so as to gain information from him.

Accordingly, the term does not necessarily point to Sheol as the common receptacle in the earth of all disembodied spirits, good or bad, as sometimes taught.

The appearance of "Samuel" the prophet has been explained by conservative theologians as either a hoax, a demonic impersonation of Samuel, or a genuine appearance of the prophet.

Whatever view one holds,, certainly God, not the spiritist witch of Endor, controlled the circumstance (V19). (1Chron.10:13, 14).

In the ancient Near East spiritist mediums used the term gods to refer to disembodied spirits. In Samuel's case the term would particularly signify one who had exercised considerable authority while still on earth (Ps.82:6).

Disquieting the dead was a term used in the Phoenician inscriptions of those who looted the graves of the dead. Here it appears to be referring to arousing the deceased, to "bring" him "up". All of the terms found in chapter 28 are employed by the necromancers as technical words in their trade; they do not in themselves prove the validity of their craft.

Ultimately, the evil spirit brought on Saul a demonic dementia in 1 Sam 16, that apparently was soothed by David's playing of the harp.

The evil spirit is said to come "from God" because, although God is NEITHER the author of evil NOR tempts any man with evil (James 1:13), ALL FORCES, Natural and supernatural, are under His ultimate control.

The appearance of the prophet Samuel, was ultimately, displaying the ability of God to using the very evil of the witch and Saul--for God's purposes coming together, for a bigger reason, than the mere conjuring of the witch of Samuel--since Samuel was a prophet and sleeping--in eternity and in the presence of God Himself.


Sounded cantankerous enough. I didn't think it a fake or a demon. What do you get from the story.



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