Will it be possible too get younger in the future?

It says on this video scientists will soon find a way too reverse slow down and even stop ageing what age would like too be when your old like 80 and over 20 and over or 20 and under for me i would like too be a 20 again in the future.


@Mr. Yaw never say never it may not be possible now but it will be possible in the future too reverse slow down and stop ageing maybe not in 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years and 50 years maybe in 60 years it will be possible too stop ageing forever.


Whoever is the person who finds a way to make this happen will become one of the richest people in the world.

Other than that, getting older is inevitable. You can slow down aging, but you really can't reverse it.


big step to it,

fo real, braah :

crispr-cas9 gene enhancement.

they chemically remove some genes that cause bad diseases.

they can also alter the genome to make ppl taller, w/ stronger build, select hair n eye color...

if they enhance the germ cells,

the person will pass on these changes to off spring