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You refer either to Colossians 1:16-17 or Hebrews 1:1-3. Both those passages of scripture speak of Jesus the Son of God, not only creating everything, but sustaining all of creation.
The universe functioned normally (as far as we can tell) while the body of Christ hung, and was laid, dead, because the Godhead subsists in the three uncreated 'persons' of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three were involved in creation (Genesis 1 combined with John chapter 1) so that even while the physical body of the incarnate Son of God was lifeless, the spirit of Christ was not. Just before He died, Jesus committed His spirit to the Father. Ecclesiastes chapter 12 shows that, at physical death, the spirit in people returns to God.
It could be (and I do not know this - I'm supposing) that the spirit of Jesus never died, so that there was no time when He was 'out of the equation'. The Bible does not go into the mechanics of how the universe functions, or of how Christ holds everything together. It always strikes me as significant that, from noon till the time Jesus died, an abnormal darkness descended over the land which could never have been an eclipse or anything explainable. It was as if the light of the world was being snuffed out, and the heavens were dimmed. But that's my poetic way of looking at things. The light only appeared to be switched off for the duration of Jesus' physical death. It wasn't, really!
The universe functioned normally between Jesus' death and resurrection because although the Son had died, the Father and the Holy Spirit had not died.
All three Persons who make up the One Being of God are co-equal and co-eternal and all three were involved in creation. So while Jesus was out of action, the other two were still there, holding everything together.
Scarborough Fair
God consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father and Holy Spirit were never dead, nor was the Spirit of the Son.
another myth as such. far too much has been laid at the feet of the man Jesus who today walks this earth as a humans does.
He is however a Chohan which is a sixth degree master
Chris Ancor
Cosmic glue.