I am uncontrollably crying over small things. I can't seem to stop. It started about a month ago.?

So about a month ago I was sitting in my room and my sister walked in and started yelling at me about me taking something that I very obviously didn't take. I started bawling for no reason. She wasn't even that loud. I've never been beaten, or anything bad really, but I just can't seem to stop crying. I've never done this before. I am almost 16, I am moving soon. I hope that someone answers this, because I really need help. I have gone to several counselor sites, and no one seems to be able to talk to me about it. Maybe one of you kind people can help me. If you want to talk in depth about it my email is CrystallusCounting@yahoo.com


Hon, I'm going to kindly ask that you delete and then re-post your question without listing your email address. It's such a dangerous thing to do - you're just inviting the creepers of the world into your life (unless, of course, you're a creeper too). Please make an appointment to see a doctor for a complete physical to rule out any medical disorders. Be open/honest with him/her about how you've been feeling. It is possible you're suffering from clinical depression. You can be helped....


Serotonin levels are associated w/ crying sensitivity. More serotonin yields less crying responses. A few factors that influence serotonin production & availability are tryptophan consumption & magnesium & vitamin d sufficiency (these are actually two of the most prevalent deficiencies). B vitamins such as Thiamine, Niacin & Pyridoxine are also fundamental to ensuring adequate serotonin synthesis & utilization. Magnesium can be especially important in part as it is necessary to convert vitamin D & thiamine to active forms & also is central to stabilizing electrolyte balance (e.g. Low Mg leads to low potassium).