Is this a period or spotting? Or neither?

My girlfriend and I had sex on April 26, the condom broke and we both freaked out so she took the morning after pill about 2 hours later. Her period was due on May 6 and she started experiencing back pain and massive cramps a few days prior. She started bleeding on May 7 and she said it was very light. Today, she said it is bleeding how she normally bleeds. Could this be just from Plan B or is it her actually period? We both are stressed and worried and need opinions.

k w2016-05-08T15:28:51Z

that's hard to say...seems more likely the effects of the pill and not a pregnancy....but she should do a search for a naturopathic physician in her zipcode, then look on yelp for comments abot the doctor and look on doctor grades as well, pick one and she should go for a consultation, for the cramps, she should not have to suffer. there are non drug remedies available to her and others like her who needlessly suffer , but she has to seek them out, and a naturopathi physician is the right man for the wishes