Can I use an hdmi cord to project my Wii U to my computer?

Hello. I'm a streamer. I stream live on Twitch. I was wonder how I can setup my Wii U to stream. I have an hdmi cord that came with my Wii U and it does not work on my tv since there is no place to put it. So I use my Wii cord. Anyway, since I have the hdmi cord and a computer that has a feature where I can plug it into would it be possible to stream my Wii U onto my computer? If so, I would love it if you can give me step by step instructions on how to do it. If not, would I have to purchase a game capture device? Please help me out!

Crim Liar2016-05-13T16:05:05Z

Without additional hardware the answer is no!

The HDMI port on your Wii U is an output
The HDMI port on your computer is an output - to record you would need an input (ie a capture card)!

There is a further catch! If you want to stream to a computer in order to play the games on your computer screen, the use of a capture card as an input device adds just enough lag to most games as t make them unplayable!


You will need a capture card to get the signal to the computer, but yes.

That's exactly what I do.

this is the capture card that I use: