What can I get that is tight fitting and also comfortable? (trousers/pants depending on which side of the pond you're from)?

So I'm having surgery in 6 weeks and I have been told I am not allowed to wear jeans when leaving (I only own jeans) or to be wearing jeans period during the 7 days I am in hospital.

Now the obvious answer is tracky bottoms which if I absolute have to wear them I will but quite frankly I despise them and they remind me of a period of my life I wouldn't like to return to. Also quite frankly I don't find them comfortable.

What trousers/pants can I buy that aren't tight fitting and aren't jeans or tracky bottoms?


Palazzo pants are very loose fitting and comfortable.


As you're in hospital why not get some pyjamas?


Loose khakis or linen jeans.