Theists, why do you ask why atheists are on R&S when you direct questions to us.?



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Well, you're already here, so what the heck? Y'all are something of an anomaly, hanging in the shadows, trying to snatch people from the light of Jesus and salvation, and pull them into empty unbelief, not knowing you're working for free for the devil. So as long as your here, and doing evil, we will not pretend like you're not.


ASKER!!! You have got to realize their education is lacking and they only believe in imaginary man made up things like heavens and hells and gods and devils!!! Now if they had any evidence then they would not need to just makeup a pretend fake belief of faith just so they can worship an imaginary image!!! ENOUGH SAID!!!

often wrong2016-05-13T09:16:10Z

People who feel the need to stand up and fight for what they think is right.

Theres a time and a place for everything i suppose


Probably because questioning why you're here doesn't actually make you go away, hence the ability to still direct questions to you, genius.

my carpenter is a bossy jew2016-05-13T08:51:12Z

If someone broke into your house, you might ask him questions.

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