Do you have a Favorite quality BBQ sauce?

it has to be thick,maybe exotic flavors expensive,but very flavorful

Vanilla Virtue2016-05-15T20:56:48Z

Sweet Baby Rays has to be the best store bought BBQ sauce I've ever tasted.


I don't have one specific BBQ sauce. I found that to get the flavor that I like, I have to blend two or more different kinds depending on the meat.

For example, Jack Daniels and Hoosier Daddy Deadly Hot (because I like my BBQ very spicy hot).


Unfortunately, store bought BBQ sauces always use Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup in their recipe. I much prefer to make my own and use LOTS of fresh tomatoes(or canned, depending on the time of year) to make my sauce.


Sweet Baby Rays, Head Country, and Stubbs are my usual picks. Right now I have Rudy's barbecue sauces in my fridge. Bought them to accompany a brisket I smoked over the weekend.

Salt and Peppy2016-05-15T18:15:17Z

I am very picky about BBQ sauce. The only store-bought sauce I will eat is KC Masterpiece, original.
The only restaurant BBQ sauce I will eat is at a BBQ joint near me called Homeboy BBQ.
I don't eat BBQ potato chips, etc.
The two sauces, above, are pretty much it.

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