Is this car crash my fault?

I crossed a crosswalk while walking and i stepped out onto the road to signal that i was attempting to cross the road. A car is driving in the second lane in which i am attempting to cross and as i walk in front of it, it is still a good distance away. All of a sudden it slams the brakes and then the car behind it rear ends it. Is this my fault?


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The USA traffic laws require vehicles to STOP if there is a pedestrian in the road, regardless of whether the pedestrian is on a crosswalk or not, whether the pedestrian is crossing against instructions or is in an illegal place; the rule is still the same the driver MUST STOP until the pedestrian is clear of the road. Very few drivers seem to know or comply with this rule but it's there all the same.
Your actions may have caused the accident but the following driver will be held liable for travelling too close to the vehicle in front.

Obi Wan Knievel2016-05-17T06:08:15Z

Of course not. You were a pedestrian using a pedestrian crossing. No vehicle of any kind has any right of way over a pedestrian crosswalk at any time.

Pedestrians are never at fault in an accident, unless they fall out of the sky directly on top of a vehicle. This accident was the fault of the idiot who rear-ended the vehicle in front of him.


If you are on a pedestrian crossing, then definitely not.

The second driver will be found at fault because they were following too close, and/or not paying attention.


No. A pedestrian in a crosswalk ALWAYS has the right of way. A rear end accident is always the fault of the car that hit the one in front of it.


Hi no it is the second car drivers fault he should have been paying attention. so not yours the car that stopped to let you cross was correct.

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