Christians: Have you read the book "88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will Be In 1988"?

I've read it, and the evidence is compelling.

Israel was reestablished as a nation in 1948. 40 years was considered a "generation" back in Bible-times. And Jesus said, "This generation will not pass away, etc."

Have any of you read this book?


No, because back then I wasn't a Christian and I had zero interest in any and all predictions to do with "end time" prophecies. However, I have since come to understand the role that the nation of Israel has to play during the great tribulation and how all who belong to Christ will be "taken up" before Christ returns to judge a godless world.

As John B. Loved points out, it is futile to waste time and energy speculating on chronology or trying to second guess God. Christians should be living each day as if the Lord might return tonight. We don't need to concern ourselves about the when, only that we belong to Christ and that he is our Lord and our Saviour.

Regardless of the "when," the article below explains how the rapture is biblical.

If you are happy and you know it2016-05-18T00:40:19Z

I didn't know anything about it until about 3 or 4 years ago so it wasn't common knowledge or brought up in every church in the world. I think maybe that book was pushed by the TBN bunch which most know are a bunch of wolves in sheep clothing now.

So, your point is, someone "semi-sort of set a date", sold some books and the date they gave was wrong.
Let's see, that can happen couldn't it. In fact, there are witches and Satanists on the web like places such as youtube, that pose as Christians and set a Rapture date every year. One of them goes by the name "Renee Moses."

— “Just this week, Michele Bachmann predicted I would bring about the biblical end of days. Now that’s a legacy. That’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington, they didn’t do that.” President Barack Hussein Obama (White House correspondents’ dinner April 2015)

It's clear who the antiChrist is. enjoy your party.

ROMANS 10:9-13 explains how you can be saved from hell. You better do it right now. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.


It is probably the most well researched and accurate book of its kind. I advise everyone to read it and prepare, but finding a copy can be difficult. For some reason, they haven't done a reprint for over 25 years.


Guess what??? 1988 is past history and we are still here. The Rapture is a HOAX.


Check it out