Is anyone else not surprised that the most crime-ridden city in America is still ranked as among the most bible-minded cities?

But, naturally all of the top 5 are on the most religious list.

Neckbearded Atheist2016-05-21T08:27:17Z

Favorite Answer

Meanwhile, my home state, a state full of politically independent voters and which has the highest rate of atheism in the country, is also the safest.

In fact, in my home town, there's only a 7% chance you'll be a victim of any crime in your entire life.

That drops to .4% in the northernmost parts near the Canadian border.


Is anyone else not surprised that the most crime-ridden city in America is still ranked as among the most bible-minded cities?

- Why not, the most crime ridden city in the world per capita is the Vatican.


Birmingham is listed as the most bible-minded city. Detroit is listed as the most crime-ridden city. You are simply wrong.

G C2016-05-21T09:17:50Z

The most crime ridden cities are run by Democrats.

Roman Glass2016-05-21T08:46:28Z

New York is a largely secular city. and they have a pretty large crime rate.Most cities have large crime rates, for the simple fact that they are cities. This has been the case throughout human history.

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