Is a doctor allowed to fat-shame a patient ? Or is that legal ? Is it discrimination ?


It would only be discrimination if they refused to treat patients because they were overweight.
A doctor is not fat shaming you. A doctor is being honest and concerned with your health. Telling someone to change their lifestyle and that they need to lose weight is not fat shaming. It's good medicine


Doctors do this all the time. Blaming their patient for being overweight - and "refusing" to lose weight - is pretty standard. And it sure isn't illegal.

Doctors aren't real smart - they depend on the drug companies for telling them what to do. And up until now there has been NO treatment for obesity or overweight - none which work anyway. And all the doctor has is making fun of his patients.

But there's a new science coming concerning the bugs which live in your gut. It's felt that if these can be changed to a more advantageous mix of bacteria, obesity can be actually TREATED successfully. It will be interesting to watch as this sort of treatment becomes standard.

STEVEN F2016-05-23T03:39:46Z

A doctor is EXPECTED to tell the patient they should lose weight if they or fat.
A doctor is not legally permitted to discuss the patient's medical condition with anyone else without the patient's consent.
Short of publically calling you fat, the entire concept of fat shaming is a LIE.

Bob B2016-05-23T02:38:59Z

There is no law against "fat-shaming" someone, and there is no consistent definition of "fat-shaming" either. Be advised that telling someone who is overweight that they are overweight is not fat-shaming, nor is telling them that they seriously need to lose weight or their health is at risk.

Remember that the doctor's job is to give you medical advice, and if you are overweight and putting your health at risk, then an important part of that is advising you of this and the fact that you need to change it.


No, and it is a good idea. Fat people must be shamed. They are a huge heavy burden on society.

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