crying on YouTube...?

So, there are all these people out there who post videos of themselves crying on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. There is even a Tumblr site called webcamtears, dedicated to just that.

My question is, have you ever recorded yourself crying and posted it online? Would you ever do that? Do you ever watch the videos of this type?

My answers to my own questions are, no, no, and not on purpose.


Favorite Answer

I'd never cry on video and definitely wouldn't post a video of that crap

I've never even cried in public or in front of my mother and friends (except when I was like 5)

Sura J2016-05-27T15:59:01Z

no it is not okay to cry on the youtube videos because then you will be sad


those videos can be hilarious to me. i think they are making a fool of themselves. it's fun to watch them cry while thinking who cares. so i won't do what they do, but might watch the videos if i feel like it.


I don't know depends...I might, if I had a good reason for it.



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