What is the real reason Hillary won't sit down to an interview with Bill O'Reilly? Is she that scared?


After all O'Reilly interviewed Trump and he wasn't given softball questions.


Any liberal or Democratic politician who sits down with Bill O'Reilly is in store for a barrage of insults, shouting, lies, innuendo and general BS. Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to that?


The same reason she won't do a Fox debate with Sanders. She knows that she has no answers for tough questions.


The real reason is that he's an impossible d!ck and an entertainer not a journalist.

Darth Beaver2016-06-02T06:48:06Z

Bill will ask stupid questions with him answering the 'expected" answers before she can speak..."Have you stopped beating your daughter yet?" Yes or No! He is fact free and out for entertaining book sales and self promotion....I saw him on Colbert last week...what a goof


She does not give straight answers to questions. She changes topic and gives some spin or bull. Fox is the only channel that holds these people to account and does not have bias in favor of her like the others.

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