If an orphan child is adopted do they continue to get Social Security Survivor benefits?

A friend of the mother is willing to adopt the children, but can't afford it without the benefits.


The children are staying with the friend already (and the mom when she is not in the hospital). This will be a simple matter of having an adoption granted by the court. Child services would be overseeing the process. What are these major expenses people keep talking about to adopt an older child?


OMG OF COURSE SOMEONE WILL CONTACT SS IN THE FUTURE, BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME, I MUST BE A FLIPPIN IDIOT TO TRY TO GET SOME PRELIMINARY GUIDANCE AND THINK SOMEONE WOULD TRY NOT ACTING LIKE A DICKA$$ FOR ONCE AND ACTUALLY TRY TO HELP...sure we well call an ambulance to transport her from her death bed to SSA-GREAT IDEA thanks! THE KIDS ARE CURRENTLY ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS between the survivor from the father and the SSDI dependent from the mother...the question is if they will continue if adopted


Really -- the best answer is at the social security office. Best to go to an office, take a number: and speak to a worker. They are helpful. Possibly legal gaurdianship would be a better route.
I just went to the social security office. The people were friendly and very helpful. Calling is a joke. Go in person, take a number.

Mom should really go to social security and determine if her kids are eligible for benefits and how much. Any benefit would be based on her earnings credits. I don't want to say "yes, benefits continue" because that check might be $50 or $500. The office can tell her how much that check would be every month .
She can also find out if benefits can continue if the kids are adopted. I am pretty sure kids get benefits if they have a guardian caring for them. Not sure about adoption.

In sorry this is going on, and everyone is stressed. That "best answer" will be found at social security. Another idea - inquire if child services would offer a stipend if the kids were adopted.


Not necessarily, no. When a child is adopted, they become a legal stranger to their biological parents.
If your friend cannot afford to adopt without benefits, she probably will not be able to adopt at all as legal costs pertaining to the adoption are not free. The father of the child would also have to be notified, as well as all relatives, IF she were to become available for a placement, to see if she could be safely and securely placed with a family member.

You are looking at the situation very simplistically. In reality, an adoption is a very complex process and the state will act in her best interest if the mother did not leave a will or appoint a guardian herself.


You could try asking social security

Visit www.socialsecurity.gov anytime to
apply for benefits, open a my Social Security
account, find publications, and get answers
to frequently asked questions. Or, call us
toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 (for the deaf
or hard of hearing, call our TTY number,
1-800-325-0778). We can answer case-specific
questions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday
through Friday. Generally, you’ll have a shorter
wait time if you call after Tuesday. We treat all
calls confidentially. We also want to make sure
you receive accurate and courteous service, so a
second Social Security representative monitors
some telephone calls. We can provide general
information by automated phone service 24
hours a day. And, remember, our website,
www.socialsecurity.gov, is available to you
anytime and anywhere!


OK, I carefully looked for you on the SSA site, and it doesn't say anything. But you can email them. Here's the form on their site: https://faq.ssa.gov/ics/support/ticketnewwizard.asp?style=classic.

Personally, you can get two opinions here, that you can get the benefits and that you can't. I wouldn't take the opinions of people on Yahoo. Only an answer from SSA would be correct. The people on here are just giving you their best guess, but they can't really know.

You should also contact Legal Aid Society where you live, so you can get a lawyer to advise you. If there's isn't such a group near you, call United Way and ask how to get help. It's usually free or inexpensive. They can also answer what the costs would be for adoption versus guardianship.


How is an orphan getting benefits if they are a ward of the state. Aoption is NOT free in the first place. Is this child even available for adoption? lawyer would be a nice touch here

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