What do vegetarians eat for protein?


Well vegetarians still consume eggs and dairy to some degree. Now vegans on the other hand plant based protein in the form of Tofu, Seitan, Beans of all varieties, dark greens-kale and spinach for instance and many vegetables like broccoli. The whole protein deficient aspect is a farce the one thing you will find in any blood work done on a vegan is that being deficient in protein is not a factor. Nuts and seeds are also full of protein.

Jeff H2016-06-08T11:07:55Z

Protein is found in everything from meat to plant based foods so vegetarians have many options. A vegetarian can eat both dairy and egg products, both excellent sources of complete proteins, as a regular part of their diet. In addition mixed dishes such as beans and rice also form basically a complete protein and can be eaten under all 3 dietary types (those with meat, vegetarian, and vegan). There are various types of proteins available in other crop based foods however a wide combination of them are required to make a complete protein for the human diet. Soy is also considered a complete protein however the consumption of excessive amounts of soy can lead to certain health issues so it should be balanced with other sources.


Vegetarians get their protein from both plant and animal based sources.

Plant based sources include tofu, nuts, beans cereal crops and fruits although fruits are low in protein.
Animal bases sources include eggs, dairy (milk, cheese, etc)

Essentially they can get all the amino acids they need because they dip into both plant and animal sources.


Tofu has the highest amount of protein for plant-based foods. It is about 99% protein.

Legumes have about 50% protein. The other part is mostly carbohydrates (starch).

You can search for the nutrients in foods at websites like nutritiondata.com.


almost everything contains protein. Its a myth that plants don't contain protein. As long as a vegetarian eats enough calories and doesn't eat just processed foods and fruit he will get enough protein. Vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, all contain protein in adequate amounts.

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