Chronic pain that feels muscular along lower left rib? Plus chronic muscle tension along left side of spine?

Mr E2016-06-08T21:16:34Z

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serratus anterior (lung meridian). test by lying on back with arm on affected side straight up and elbow locked straight, perpendicular to floor, then resist as someone tries to pull closed fist on same arm toward the feet. along length of spine, sacrospinalis, bladder meridian. spinal column will rotate away from side of weakness, there will usually be a prominent ridge of muscle on the weak side, higher than the other side. see an hio method chiropractor.


I'm a 56 yr old female, 50lbs over weight, but very strong & flexible. My active life included riding horses, white water canoeing, working as a landscaper, & motorcycles on & off road. I fell from a horse to a ditch at age 13; knocked out for hr by concrete drain pipe. At 22, a 65 mph motorcycle accident, only 1 broken wrist. 11 car accidents, the ones in 76, 83, 85, & 93 were significant enough to do real damage. Recent MRI shows severe osteoarthritist of the atlantoaxial joint. C4/5, C5/6, & C6/7 are a mess of degeneration & mild bulges & bone spurs, mentioning mild central to left anterior thecal sac & cord encroachment & mild left exiting nerve root impingement at C6/7. Thoracic area was unremarkable.
Although I've been meditating for 40 yrs, I cannot make the muscle running down the left of my spine relax without muscle relaxers. Sometimes they don't work. For the last 11 yrs I've had pain in my left upper abdomen/chest. I even went to the hospital thinking I had heart troubles; none. If I lay on my right side, my left side muscle hurts under my ribs. Often there r tender lumps in the muscle. The pain has been so bad that I can't breath deep with out stabbing pain. I landscaped until a yr ago, when pain got unmanageable. I've had colonoscopy to rule out digestive, unremarkable. My entire left side seems to spasm, so it can be painful after a bowel movement. When pain is stabbing in chest it hurts in same spot in back, pain level as high as 8 of 10. I began physical therapy 6 wks ago. Everything I do hurts along my lower left rib. Suck in my lower tummy, pain under rib. Do rowing exercise, pain under rib. She did few dry needles in rib, & it did seem to reduce the pain in that area. Didn't do whole area. Today she did 13 dry needles in the muscle between left shoulder blade & spine in the place I seem to have the most pain & spasms. The pain has decreased, but spread. As if it woke up pain centers that I've been ignoring for yrs. I live in the country, & I am very disappointed with my current pcp. I am willing to drive to Atlanta, but what kind of dr should I see? I need to document this & get a name or explanation of the symptom's cause. Could my entire left trunk muscles be in spasm due to that pinched nerve in neck, or do I need to see someone other than spinal dr. Thanks