What is the best way to handle (stupid) servers,who insist on asking you if you need anything,when you have a mouthful of food ?

IS there any "polite" way, or should I make them wait until I have finished my bite of food ?
How would one handle this ?

Bent Snowman2016-06-11T15:09:48Z

just shake your head. You're right, it's a lack of common sense and a failure of training to apprehend this silly behavior for the servers. I'm sure the management doesn't know they do it, but that doesn't make it not stupid or ok, that's true.


Yes I have this happen all the time at the dinner.What irks me is at IHOP they do not wait and bring all the meals together ,Two got theirs first and then when they were almost finished they served the others at the table have they no training or do,nt they even care that everyone is,nt having their dinner together


If you don't need anything, just shake your head. If you need something, then nod your head and hold up a finger ( not the rude finger) to indicate you will be a minute. They will get what you are trying to say.


I'm not sure that is stupid--it may be calculated! I also do the head nod-or thumbs up if everything is great----or the "wait one moment" finger and then swallow.

Pearl L2016-06-13T15:53:35Z

make them wait and then tell them, i think its dumb too that theyre asking you that when you got food in your mouth and cant talk

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