Is sarcasm indigenous to Americans or English-speakers in general or is it common in other countries as well?


'Indigenous'? Yes, sarcasm is 'indigenous' only to America. It was something you lot learned from Native American tribes sometime after throwing off the yoke of British colonialism and before collaterally slaughtering said Native American tribes. It was something that then and ever since has simply eluded the mental faculties of all other peoples round the globe. As such, we citizens of the rest of the world are relegated to only ever saying exactly what we mean without an ounce of derision. Would that we could be so clever as Americans, a cleverness you clearly emulate.


I grew up in a Spanish speaking household, and sarcasm is used in our language/culture as well. So, I wouldn't say that it's indigenous to English Speakers.

Hope that helped! Can you help me out with mine? Or just share it around so others can? Thanks!


Sarcasm occurs in the Old Testament, so no.


Sarcasm is ubiquitous.