First time fishing FAQs?

Hi all---I'm going fishing at a lake for the first time (they stock trout, bass, and bluegills; I don't think we're going to rent a boat so we'll be on the side of the lake) and I have some questions...mainly along the lines of "What the hell do I do if I catch something?"

More specifically:

1. Okay so I've hooked the fish and reeled it in, do I kill it right away or put it in a water-filled bucket?

2. I want to try ike jime (i.e. jamming a screwdriver into the fish's be humane), any tips?

3. What do I do after I kill it? Should I bleed and/or gut it right out on the lake or put it on ice? Will fish still come to that spot if we bleed/clean it there or should we move to a different spot for cleaning?

4. How do you gut it? (I don't need to fillet it, we'll probably just grill them whole but I think we still need to take out some of the gunk yes?)



If those questions are uppermost in your mind DON'T GO FISHING!
Catch and release not go around MURDERING FISH FOR THE SAKE OF IT!


I'm not going to give advice on what to do, but I'm sure that you won't want to keep every fish you catch, especially since you are a newbie to fishing. So be prepared with a good set of pliers and a good glove to grip the fish with is also really helpful. It is not an easy thing to grip a slimy, wiggling fish without a glove.


1. If you want to keep the fish, it is best to put it on ice in a cooler. 2. If you want to be humane, you can do ike jime but it is also easy just to stick a knife in its brain. 3. I like to bring them all somewhere later and clean them all at once. You can clean it at the spot and it wont effect fishing much but it is less efficient. 4. Filleting it is gutting it. There are some really good videos on youtube. I know this is late but i hope it helps!


Why don't you just 'catch and release' until you learn how to fish properly? Let the others with you teach you how, IF THEY EVEN KNOW.

jason w2016-07-11T07:56:37Z

Just catch and realease

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