First time fishing FAQs?
Hi all---I'm going fishing at a lake for the first time (they stock trout, bass, and bluegills; I don't think we're going to rent a boat so we'll be on the side of the lake) and I have some questions...mainly along the lines of "What the hell do I do if I catch something?"
More specifically:
1. Okay so I've hooked the fish and reeled it in, do I kill it right away or put it in a water-filled bucket?
2. I want to try ike jime (i.e. jamming a screwdriver into the fish's be humane), any tips?
3. What do I do after I kill it? Should I bleed and/or gut it right out on the lake or put it on ice? Will fish still come to that spot if we bleed/clean it there or should we move to a different spot for cleaning?
4. How do you gut it? (I don't need to fillet it, we'll probably just grill them whole but I think we still need to take out some of the gunk yes?)