Favorite Answer
History has shown the answer is no.
🤔 Jay
Religion and politics, one political unit, goes back thousands of years.
The Greeks evoked Gods as rulers and the Roman Empire had Bishops within the Royal Court....And the army ...And the Scribes....
It's called complete control...Including the "press".. (chortle)
According to God, men of God are to be in government so it will not become corrupt. Look at our stupid Supreme Court, or our President. There is a story in Judges 8 about the trees and how they wanted a king. All the trees were too busy doing good thing to be in the government so the only one that was left was the thorn bush.
Plato said it like this---The penalty good men receive for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. God expects us to be in government. All the greats in the Bible were. Job, Abraham, Lot, David, Solomon. Think about it.
Ancient cultures didn't have a problem with it. Indian cultures did it. The Hebrews/Jews did it. The Romans toyed with it.
When everybody believes the same thing, it isn't a problem for the government and religion to be mixed. It is only a problem if there are differences of opinion and the freedom to have those differences.