You seen Bruce Almighty then you would know the movie but what if God come up to you and let you be god. What you would do if you become God?

I would freeze time so I would not miss anything or no one would bug me have time to myself, rest, and sleep. Which I do not know how long it would not be. I want a perfect woman. No more wars. No more killing. No more diseases. Drugs with no side affects. No hangovers. Have something like Watson the IBM or many of me like super god computer to answer all praises because if you watch Bruce Almighty one answer to all would not solve the problem but if I have many me or Watson IBM computer however I need to let be interface with me so I am total of aware what it is going on so if there are a problem I would be aware of it and correct the problem before it is all screw up. I also got Schizophrenia I would not know I want get ride of it but I would say want keep at bay while I am working or something like that so it would not interference with me while I working. However I would have downtime I would do stuff like time travel and do some side projects stuff like that.


1. I would give doctors the cure to cancers.
2. I would make all pedophiles not pedophiles by changing the chemicals in their brains to be normal.
3. I would not let any more tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes occur any more. So no more people would lose their homes and die.
4. I would help the Palestinians and Jews settle their fighting over the land they claim as their own.
5. I would gather all the atheists together and meet with them so they could see I am real.


Jesus said in John 10:34 that we are Gods anyway .


I would simply hand the gift back to God and say, "i think you're better qualified!


I would send all religious believers to the heaven of their choice, and leave the real world to the atheists.


and all you have to do to have all that and so much more, is study the bible, learn what God requires and then live your life by His standards, for a short itme.

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