If god is in control of everything, how comes he isn't held responsible?

I keep hearing theists complain about people "blaming god." But doesn't the amount of control and power he is said to have grant responsibility? For example creating Satan despite knowing he would rebel or allowing other religions to form leading to billions burning in Hell.

G C2016-06-22T09:08:40Z

God did not create Satan. Satan is the source or god of all evil and lies.


It is because theists live by way of a `biblical` god ... not a real one.

The biblical god has always been paltry, all-too-human, and a very minor player with regard to the real world.
Don't expect anything substantial from an inadequate narrative that tries to describe the `True and Living God`.

The bible, its imagery, and its god
remain nothing more than an interpretive misnomer ... and therein, nothing about it can be `held responsible`.

Not unlike jesus, the god of the bible and its contrived travails = Nothing ... nothing, at all.


God is not responsible to atheists for anything, after all, just because atheists hate God, He isn't obligated to change His ways to please sinners


If God is in control and life is all his plan, then of course he is responsible.

I personally don't believe Gods are in control or micro-manage lives.


Let me spell it out for your so you can remember and don't have to ask again


Okay little Johnny ?

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