Why is frequency listed for amber glass?

Amberized NMR tubes are used for photosensitive materials, protecting them from visable and UV radiation.
When looking at tubes to purchase, each product has 3 givens:
- Diameter of the tubes
- Length of the tubes
- Frequency ?!

Ranging from 50 MHz to 800 MHz from what I'm looking at now.
What does this frequency mean?


Favorite Answer

not completely sure, but it is probably the range of frequencies of light it provides protection for


Frequency is often listed for all NMR tubes (not just amber). The number given indicates the magnetic field at which the tubes are suitable. For a higher-field instrument (e.g. 800 MHz), you need a higher quality tube (more concentric, for example) than one that is suitable for use at a lower field (e.g., 300 MHz).