My dog ate baby numbing cream and now she looks like she is dying please help!! I called the vet and they hung pls help?


Then call another vet.


If you got disconnected on the phone - put your dog in the car and drive her to their office!


I highly doubt they hung up on you. I think you're lying and you just want a quick fix instead of calling an actual vet.

Amazon Warrior Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ2016-06-24T09:31:43Z

You have three options:

1.) Take your dog to the local veterinary office.

2.) If the regular veterinary office is closed, the emergency veterinary office is open.

3.) Take your your dog to the shelter veterinarian, they are a lot cheaper than the regular vet.

Also you can workout a PAYMENT PLAN with the vet. Talk to them calmly and explain your situation and ask them nicely and the most you could be paying is half the vet bill now and the rest at the next checkup. Or you could set up a payment plan of paying a certain amount per week or month until the bill is completely paid off.

Curious in Seattle2016-06-24T09:20:11Z

Take her into a vet clinic.