Which game console should I purchase?

I rarely play video games, and when I do, I only play for a short period of time. I like sports games, fighting games, and some adventure games (Zelda Franchise is one of my all time favs, but I know it's Nintendo). I have no desire to play with others online. I will not be spending much time playing, just now and then.
With that information, which console, PS4 or Xbox One should I purchase?


Favorite Answer

I always liked the Xbox one due to it having rare, formerly known as rareware that Nintendo carried in the 1990s and late 1980s. Had a whole lot of cool titles, then sometime in the 2000s Nintendo and rare broke apart


Nintendo WII U, you probably wont even read this answer but that is the best console for you. I would not touch an Xbox or PS4 at the moment because as usual they are bringing new consoles out soon like the Xbox one s and the PS4 VR. WII U is seriously underrated got some really good games like Mario Maker, Super Mario 3d world, the 2 Zelda remakes, Mario kart, smash bros. The Xbox and PS4 does not have a stand out game yet it should have by now but I own all 3 and the WII U is best for offline and just totally fun. Xbox and PS4 concentrate on online play a lot in COD and Fifa and games like that so avoid for like the next 3-5 years.


Are you more interested in exclusives for either console? That could help decide.

Do you want the less expensive option, or does it matter?

Have you considered a mobile, like a DS or a Vita, for casual gaming and on the go?

Do you want the newest consoles, or something a little older and less expensive, with more games available? I have a PS4 but I can be found playing on my PS3 fairly often, for example. Maybe even more than my PS4, simply because there's more games available for less money.

There's many different ways to decide. Good luck! :)


I personally own a Xbox One but I have a few friends who have PS4s... I think the xbox might be a bit more user friendly and can be used more easily as a entertainment device for stuff like Netflix and TV, etc.... and if you like sports games xbox and the ps4 will both have the same selection of games. Xbox One has a free fighting game called killer instinct which i havent played but i would suppose it has some way to play against AI and if you want more characters or whatever fighting games have you'll probablyhave to pay for them... Since I do not own a PS4 and have only played on them a handful of times I would seek the advice of someone who owns one and plays on it heavily, and maybe someone who owns both who could show you the flaws of each device (THEY HAVE MANY) i hope this helps and i would back check everything i mentioned if i were you just so you could see for yourself


I own both, and I would say the PS4. On the Xbox One, any digital game I own cannot be played unless I am signed in. One day I tried to play Rise of the Tomb Raider when Xbox Live was down and it would not allow me to play it. Which REALLY sucks. I have never had that issue with the PS4 (then again its never down too).

Both are great, but in your situation I would go with the PS4.

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