What are your thoughts about this quote?

"Time is your master. It may not be your god, but you'll answer to it none the less."


Peter, although you aren't asked, you still decided. And act in time.


Favorite Answer

As Time is your master, that makes the Dr Who your Lord. All hail Dr Who.


Time is a nasty little f&cker isn't it. It doesn't exist but it controls every aspect of our lives. We all need time and we so often wish for more time, yet we have all the time in the world, without having any time. I cannot grab a handful of time yet I can feel it slipping away. It is true that time is my master. It is more powerful than any god could ever be and it will be your master as it pushes you towards your death and treats every single one of us the same and does not care about sin or riches or forgiveness. It just keeps on ticking ticking ticking, into the future.


I like it. Congratulations.


Obvious and pointless rhetoric. its not saying anything remotely interesting.

look, fancy woo woo is easy...

"Life is the essence of all creation, we bend to the whim of reality, blanketed by our celestial ancestors, the stars."

Besides, if time ever asked me a question, i wouldn't answer. hurumph.