When will you know if you have chosen the correct religion?


Favorite Answer

When you'll start loving others. Probably there's no such religion except for what I call humanity


John 8:32
32 and you will know the truth,+ and the truth will set you free.”+

G C2016-07-06T02:47:46Z

When it can be validated by objective science as truth. Only the Bible can, which means only Christianity is the way.


i was a buddhist, then i became a christian as an young adult.
like you ... i seek to know the truth and nothing but the TRUTH.
i am not going to spend years n years studying ...
so i do the next best thing ...
i looked up to heaven and i said to God ... I know you are there. There are so many
religions and i don't know which one is yours. I do want to know you.

years passed, then a friend invited me to church ... been a christian for 30+ yrs now
and still going stronger and stronger.

you can take the same path i took, a long time ago ...

God bless you


If you are Catholic, you know it already. Don't let any of Satan's lies fool you.

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