If you could travel anywhere in time and space, where would you go?


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the internet2016-07-06T03:26:37Z

Around and around. Visit the ancient romans, the ancient greeks, the egyptians, watch how the pyramides were built, see the seven world wonders when they were new. Visit Jerusalem in the years 27 to check if Jesus actually existed, see Neanderthalers, see how people lived five hundred thousand years ago, a million years ago.

After that I would travel around in time and use that to get super rich by buying stocks, playing lottery and betting.


Would go back in time with a camera, take a picture of during the time Noah's Flood was supposed to happen, take a picture, and disprove the whole thing.

Wouldn't surprise me if those zealots came up with an excuse tho.

Sly Phi AM2016-07-06T03:11:26Z

15 years ago. I'd pretend to be the true prophet of God and accurately predict the 2004 tsunami, 2011 tsunami and the Nepal Earthquake and a few other things independent to human events. Once people believed me I'd explain how every religion was completely wrong, and that God really wants us to protect penguins and polar bears as they are his chosen species.

The Football God2016-07-06T09:09:49Z

I'd like to go back in time to where I could own, rape and kill slaves. That way all the idiots that claim I would have done any of that could actually feel good about themselves, as opposed to the miserable F's that they are. And no, that's never been my goal.

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